Day24 of #90DaysOfDevOps Challenge

Jenkins CI/CD Project


Containerise and deploy a node.js application using Jenkins Job.

🔹Step 1

Fork the repo -

🔹Step 2

Create a connection to your Jenkins job and your GitHub Repository via GitHub Integration.

We can use SSH keys or PAT tokens to integrate the GitHub repo into Jenkins.

Here I am using SSH keys.

  1. Generate SSH key pair in your Jenkins instance.

I already have the key pair.

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2. Create a new SSH key in GitHub and save the public key of Jenkins Instance.

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3. Save the Private key in Jenkins credential.

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4. Create a new Freestyle Jenkins Job -

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5. Add source code GitHub Repo with added credential -

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6. Now run the pipeline to check if the source code is checked out through Jenkins -

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The repo files are present in Jenkins Workspace -

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7. Now we need to set up a webhook for an automatic trigger from GitHub.

-- Install the GitHub integration plugin in Jenkins.

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-- Create a Webhook.

The payload URL should be in the below format


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8. Do not forget to open port 8080 to Anywhere so that the GitHub webhook can reach Jenkins on port 8080.

The green tick shows that the connection is established.

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9. In your Jenkins Job, enable GitHub Hook to trigger in the build trigger section.

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10. To test the webhook, make some changes to the code and commit it.

Check if the Job was triggered by a push event.

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🔹Step 3

In the Execute shell run the application using Docker compose.

  1. Create a Dockerfile to install all the dependencies and containerize the application.

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2. Add a build step - Execute shell to build the docker image.

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3. Docker image is created successfully.

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4. Create a docker-compose file to run the container using this image.

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5. Add the docker-compose up command to run the container.

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6. The build is successful.

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7. The container is up and running.

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8. Since I want to run the application on Port 8100, I made changes in the app.js file.

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9. Now my application is running.

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Thank You for Reading! 📘